Tuesday, June 21, 2016

My new morning favourite: Witch Hill track

Welcome to my blog about biking in New Zealand! Note that it's written in Swedish AND English, with the Swedish version first, followed by the English version in italic font. Enjoy your reading!

Ibland ar det riktigt svart att vara i ett "nytt" land utan familj i narheten. De veckor da jag maste pressa pannan in bordet och jobba med min PhD i Christchurch ar extra jobbiga, aven om jag faktiskt har det valdigt bra. Jag vaknar pa morgonen och det ar bara jobbigt att vara utan familj. Jag planerar att cykla upp Rapaki, darfor att jag vet att jag mar bra av det, aven om det inte kanns sa lockande precis nar jag kliver ur sangen.
  Min favoritrunda pa morgonen har varit Rapaki- Mt Vernon och sen ner Huntsbury Rd. Den senaste tiden har jag lagt till en slinga: Witch Hill track. Mt Vernon var lite av en utmaning nar jag forst borjade cykla i Port hills, men numera kanns det latt. Witch Hill track har precis lagom mycket stenar, tekniska svarigheter och utmaningar for mig just nu. Den ar utmanande nog for att jag ska behova satta ner fotterna emellanat, men jag ar overtygad om att talamod och att forsoka om och om igen lonar sig i langden.
  Pa vagen ner fran berget sa har jag bytt ut traktorvagen mot en singletrail, vilket gor nedforscyklingen mycket mer spannande och rolig. Det viktigaste med allt detta ar att jag kanner mig sa full av energi och sa glad efterat, och hela dagen gar sa mycket lattare. Jag har lart mig att det ar mycket trevligare att fokusera pa att inte ramla av cykeln pa en sten an att fokusera pa hemlangtan.

It's sometimes hard to be in a foreign country without family around. Those weeks when I have to put my head into my PhD work in Christchurch are especially hard, even though things are actually pretty good. I wake up in the morning and it's just hard to be away from family. I plan to ride up Rapaki, because I know I will feel good from it, even if it doesn't feel too appealing the moment I get out of bed.
  My usual morning ride used to be Rapaki- Mt Vernon and then down Huntsbury Rd. Lately I've added another trail to it: Witch Hill track. Mt Vernon was kind of a challenge when I first started riding in the Port hills, but it now feels easy. Witch Hill has just the right amount of rocks and technicality and challenge to suit me at the moment. I still have to put my feet down now and then, but I believe that persistence is the key, and trying over and over again will pay off.
  On the way down from the hills, I've swapped the 4WD part of Huntsbury to the "airstrip trail" which is a bit more exciting and fun. The most important with all this is that I feel so refreshed and happy when I come down again, and I feel good the whole day at university. I've concluded that it's much better to focus on not falling over on the rocks than to focus on being homesick.
Witch Hill track.
Down towards the city.

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