Monday, June 20, 2016

Chop the grass on a bike

Welcome to my blog about biking in New Zealand! Note that it's written in Swedish AND English, with the Swedish version first, followed by the English version in italic font. Enjoy your reading!

Den har fantastiska uppfinningen byggde en junk-handlare i Lawrence till sin frus fodelsedag. Hon tyckte att det var for jobbigt att slapa grasklipparen upp och nedfor backen i tradgarden. Tydligen sa blev hon inte sa glad for presenten, hon gick raka vagen till kladaffaren i Lawrence och kopte en ny kjol, det var ju det hon ville ha i present, inte en cykel-grasklippare. Jag tycker att den ar fantastisk! Jag skulle nog klippa sonder den stackars grasmattan. Jag ska nog bygga en sjalv. Junk-handlaren i Lawrence har massor av gamla och nyare cyklar, det ar vart ett stopp, han har sakert manga historier att beratta ocksa.

This fantastic machine was built by the man who has the junk-shop in Lawrence. He built it for his wive's birthday. She though it was too hard to push the lawn-mower up and down the garden. She wasn't too excited about the present, and she went straight down to the clothing shop in Lawrence and bought herself the present she wanted- a miniskirt. I think it is fantastic, and I would probably chop the grass until there's no more grass to chop. I might build one myself. The man with the junk-shop in Lawrence has many bikes, old and new, it's worth a stop, and I'm pretty sure he's got lots of stories to tell.

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