Monday, September 21, 2015

Wintery Jacks and Jollies passes

Kate och jag hade en super helg i Hanmer Springs. Vaderprognosen antydde en hel del sno, och jag funderade over om det verkligen var vart att aka. Som tur var overtygade nagon mig om att det bara skulle komma en liten "vindpust med sno"... Vi hade tur, bara nagra snoflingor dinglade ner pa lordagen och vi trampade runt Jollies and Jacks pass loopen som ar runt 25 km (plus nagra km extra for att ha en trevlig men kylig lunch vid Clarence floden) utan att bli alltfor blota eller kalla (precis lagom for att kanna att vi lever). Jollies and Jacks pass loopen ar tekniskt lattcyklat, men har en ordentlig stigning over passen, och det var en hel del lera efter regn och sno. Ett bad i de heta, vulkaniska mineral poolerna i Hanmer satt riktigt fint efter den turen.

Nar vi vaknade pa sondagen, sa trodde jag ett tag att jag var hemma i Sverige en vintermorgon: det snoade ordentligt. Vi tog oss ut pa en cykeltur i alla fall, vi hann testa Dog stream och Mach 1, tva ganska latta men roliga single trails (ordentligt leriga, blota och snoiga), innan vi blev for kalla. Suveran helg med massor av typ-2-roligt (jag har inte en aning om hur jag oversatter type-2-fun!)

Kate and I had an epic weekend cycling in Hanmer Springs. The forecast was heavy snow, and I was unsure if  it was a good idea to head off or not. Luckily someone convinced me that it will only be a "puff of snow"... We were pretty lucky with only a few snowflakes flying in the air Saturday and we managed to pedal the 25 km around Jollies and Jacks passes, plus a few km off track, to have a nice, chilly lunch by the Clarence river, without getting too wet or cold (just enough to make us feel alive). Jollies and Jacks passes loop is an easy ride, even though there is a good climb up the passes, and the roads were pretty muddy after rain and snow, which makes it more fun. The hot pools in Hanmer felt like a pretty ok end of that day. 

When we woke up on Sunday, I thought for a while that I was back home in Sweden: It was snowing hard out. We went for a nice little ride anyway, we had time to check out Dog stream and Mach 1, two pretty easy but fun single trails (pretty muddy, wet and snowy though), before we got too cold. Epic weekend with lots of type-2-fun (thanks Kate for that expression)!

Jollies pass.

Little water crossing.

Clarence river valley.

Clarence river valley.

Nice, chilly lunchspot.

Kate hiding under a x-mas tree.

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