Monday, October 5, 2015

In my backyard

Det har borjar bli min favoritrunda: Coal Creek och ner Bullock track. Det ar en ordentlig uppforsbacke, ungefar 840 m ackumulerad stigning. Val uppe sa glommer man snabbt hur jobbigt det var, dar ar ren lycka. Naturen bara ar dar... vild och lugn pa samma gang. Vadret andras snabbt dar uppe sa det ar bra att vara forberedd och kolla vaderprognosen. Vi bor vid foten av bergskedjan, och det hander att, fran klarbla himmel, ett moln trycker sig over bergskammen. Det ser ut som en vit vagg, och till att borja med ser man inte bergskammen, sen ser man en vit vagg snabbt fara nerfor bergsvaggen och bara ett par minuter senare blaser det som bara den i dalen och regnet eller snon star horisontellt i luften. Bara ett par kilometer bort kan det fortfarande vara klarbla himmel. Sant kan vadret i Teviot valley vara, lynnigt och fascinerande.

This is becoming one of my favorite loops: Coal creek and down Bullock track. It's a good climb up the 4WD track, about 840 m accumulated. Up on the top is pure happiness though, nature is just there... wild and quiet at the same time, so beautiful and raw. The weather changes quickly up there so it's good to be prepared and check the weather forecasts. We live right on the foot of this mountainrange, and it happens that, from a clear blue sky, a cloud pushes over the mountain. It looks like a white wall, and to start with you don't see the mountain ridge, then you see the wall of white quickly moving down the mountain and only a couple of minutes later everything is blown out in the valley below, and the rain or snow is horizontal in the air. Only a few kilometers away, the sky might still be clear and blue. That's the weather in Teviot Valley, unpredictable and fascinating.

Evening ride on the mountain, Roxburgh. North westerly wind clouds in the sky.

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