Friday, December 18, 2015

Lake Onslow- a reboot ride

Welcome to my blog about biking in New Zealand! Note that it's written in Swedish AND English, with the Swedish version first, followed by the English version in italic font. Enjoy your reading!

Jag har inte haft jattemycket motivation att cykla den sista tiden. For mycket PhD jobb, resande till och fran Christchurch och for mycket tid hemifran suger energi, och det blir inte mycket kvar for cykling. Igar tog jag tag i det igen, med hjalp av min cykelpolare BigT, och vi cyklade 41 km med 1000 m stigning upp till "Traktorn", pa berget med utsikt over Lake Onslow. Vadret var bra nar vi lamnade Teviotdalen, men molnen var laga och uppe pa berget var allt tackt av tjocka moln, blott och blasigt. Det var lite skillnad mot sist jag cyklade upp dar, du kan lasa om den turen i min post "Lake Onslow- an unexpected evening ride". Jag gillar det oforutsagbara vadret, det gor att jag kanner mig levande. BigT blir snabbare  varje gang jag tar en cykeltur med honom. Jag far snart problem att hinna med honom.

BigT hade tillstand fran landagarna att cykla ner pa deras mark, genom hagar med koskit och tjurar. Jag ar inte jattefortjust i tjurar sa det var bra traning for mig.

Jag jobbar just nu med moln och hur de formas i min PhD. Det var en perfekt dag for en moln-nord som jag att studera molnen fran bergen.  En bars sitter fint efter en cykeltur som denna, och jag kanner mig som en ny manniska igen.

I haven't had much motivation for biking the last few weeks. Too much PhD work and travel and being away from my son for too long drains the energy, and not much of it is left for biking. Yesterday I conquered it though, with the help of my bike-buddy BigT, and we did a good 41 km and 1000 meter climb up to "the Tractor", on the hill overlooking Lake Onslow. The weather was okay in the  Teviot Valley, but the clouds were low and up on the mountain it was all covered in cloud, wet and windy. A bit different compared to last time I climbed up there, read about it in my post "Lake Onslow- an unexpected evening ride". I love the changeable weather, and a bit of nastyness just makes me feel more alive. BigT is getting fitter each time I see him doing an uphill, I will soon have problems to keep up with him!

BigT had got permission from the farmers to go downhill through their land, crossing paddocks of cowpoo and bulls. I'm not very found of bulls so that was good training for me. 

At the moment I'm working on the formation of clouds in my PhD. This was a perfect day for a cloud-nerd like me to study the clouds from the view up the mountain. A nice beer is not the wrong thing to throw down the throat after a bike ride like that, and I totally feel rebooted.

No view of Lake Onslow today.
Some cool cloud formation far away over the mountains and Teviot Valley.

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