Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Lantern festival in Christchurch

Welcome to my blog about biking (and other things) in New Zealand! Note that it's written in Swedish AND English, with the Swedish version first, followed by the English version in italic font. Enjoy your reading!

Jag kom till Christchurch precis i tid till Lantern Festivalen dar man firar Apans ar. Jag har aldrig sett den tidigare, och den lyste verkligen upp Hagley Park med lampor, musik och firande manniskor. For mig var det nastan en kulturchock att komma fran direkt fran Roxburgh och se alla dessa manniskor pa ett och samma stalle!

I arrived in Christchurch just in time for the Lantern Festival, where the year of the Monkey is celebrated. I've never seen it before, and it really lit up Hagley Park with lights, music and celebrating people. It's kind of a culture chock to come straight from Roxburgh to see all these people gathered in one place!

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