Monday, October 26, 2015

Girls basic tech night at Rock & Road Cycles

Jag kan inte mycket om cykel-mek, men jag forsoker snappa upp allt jag kan, mest for att det ar bra att kunna sin cykel om nagot gar snett langt ute i bergen. Forra veckan ordnade Rock & Road cycles i Alexandra en tek-night for tjejer. Bra intiativ!

Det var en basic kurs, mest en del tips och tricks hur man haller sin cykel ren och frisk sa att den haller langre. Mountainbikes far ju utsta en hel del, som de flesta av oss vet. Jag ar lite av en rengorings-nord, jag hor till den gruppen manniskor som skulle kunna putsa sonder min cykel om jag inte visste vart jag ska putsa och vad jag ska halla mig ifran. Att pyssla med cykeln ar nastan som terapi for mig.

Det jag speciellt tog med mig hem fran Rock & Road tek-night var att det ar bra att ta av sadeln och stalla cykeln upp-och-ner efter att ha cyklat genom vatten, for att inte forstora bottom-bracket. En annan grej jag tog med mig hem, var att suspension ar till for att anvandas. De mar battre av att anvandas efersom de da smorjs med olja. Jag brukade tanka att jag ska spara pa grejjerna och inte anvada suspension mer an jag behover. Jag fick ocksa prova pa att anvanda ett kedje-verktyg. Jag har ett, och i teorin vet jag hur den anvands, men har haft turen att aldrig behova anvanda den nar jag ar ute. Jag har sparat en gammal kedja som jag tanker ova pa nagra ganger, for att kunna gora det snabbt da det behovs.

For den som ar i Centrala Otago och cyklar, och behover service pa cykel, eller behover en cykel affar sa rekommenderar jag att titta in hos Rock & Road cycles i Alexandra eller Cromwell. Agarna Emma och Peter ar supertrevliga och de har duktig och serviceinriktad personal.

Kolla in deras hemsida Rock & Road Cycles.

I don't know much about bike-mech but I try to suck up as much as I possibly can about it, mostly because I want to know my bike in case something goes wrong when I'm out in the mountains. 

Last week Rock & Road cycles in Alexandra organized a girls tech-night. A very nice initiative! It was a basic course with a few tips and tricks of how to keep the bike clean and healthy so that it lasts for longer. Mountainbikes have to put up with quite a lot, as most of us know! I'm a bit of a cleaning-nerd, I belong to the group of people that would clean my bike to bits if I didn't know where to clean and where to keep my fingers off. To work with the bike is like therapy for me.

One thing that I learned at Rock & Road cycles is that it is good to take the seat off and put the bike upside down after biking through river crossings, to save the bottom bracket. Another thing I learned is that it is good to use the suspension, since the oil works through them when they are used. I used to think that it's better to save the stuff and only use them when needed. I also got to try the chaintool for the first time. I have one, and in theory I know how to use it, but I've been lucky and have never had to use it when I'm out and about. I have saved an old chain that I will use to practice so that I can do it quickly when it's needed. 

If you're biking in Central Otago, and need a service on your bike, or need a bike shop, I would recommend a visit to Rock & Road cycles in Alexandra or Cromwell. The owners Emma and Peter are superfriendly and they have very competent an service minded staff. 

Check out their websited Rock & Road Cycles

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