Saturday, October 8, 2016

Back in Central Otago: Flat top hill

Welcome to my blog about biking in New Zealand! Note that it's written in Swedish AND English, with the Swedish version first, followed by the English version in italic font. Enjoy your reading!

Jag har sa himla mycket att gora nu, med att skriva min andra artikel for min PhD, och forsoka fa ihop min uppsats. Min forsta artikel "A probabilistic study of return of ozone to 1960 levelspublicerades for ett tag sen. Jag klammer in en surf nar jag kan, och tar en svang pa min mtb da och da, men inte mycket tid att skriva blogg! 
Jag vill i alla fall dela med mig av cykelturen fran igar kvall, pa Flat top hill i Alexandra. Det finns nagra olika svarighetsgrader att valja mellan daruppe, de flesta intermediate men ocksa en dubbel svart, som jag inte ens funderar pa att kolla upp. Det ar en harlig klattring till toppen, inte speciellt jobbig, atminstone inte jamfort med vissa andra "kullar" haromkring. Stigarna ar superroliga, ibland latta och ibland mer tekniska. Nar du kommer tillbaka till parkeringen och hoppar in i bilen, ta inte av dig skorna: de far din bil att lukta fantastiskt av timjan. Harligt att vara tillbaka i Centrala Otago, jag har spenderat en hel del tid pa andra stallen pa jorden de senaste manaderna.

I'm so so soooo busy at the moment, writing up my second paper, and try to finish off my thesis. My first paper "A probabilistic study of return of ozone to 1960 levels" was published a while ago. I get some surf in, and I get some biking in, but not much of writing blog!
  I want to share the ride I did last night though, at Flat top hill close to Alexandra in Central Otago. There are a few options of levels up there, most of them intermediate, but also one double black, that I wouldn't even think of trying. The climb up to the top is nice and actually not too hard (compared to some other master pieces of hills around here), and there are nice views from up there. The trails are superfun, easy on some places and more technical on others. When you finished the ride and are back at the car, keep your shoes on: they will make your car smell wonderful from thyme! It's good to be back in Central Otago, I've spent quite a lot of time in other parts of the world the last few months.

Butchers dam.

Flat top hill.
Alexandra and the Gorge.
Old man's range.

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